Environmental Policy



Simon Safety & Lifting Centre Ltd as a caring professional safety equipment and clothing distributor, is committed through activities to respect the environment and to make responsible use of available natural resources. The company recognise aspects of its activities may have an impact, either positive or negative, on the environment. These aspects and their associated impacts, have been identified and are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the Environmental Management System. The Company is committed to the prevention of pollution and the continual improvement of our environmental performance.


1. Full Environmental Policy Statement

Simon Safety & Lifting Centre Ltd attach particular importance to compliance with appropriate legislation and regulations. The Company will monitor performance and continually strive for improvement in the following areas:
- Efficient use of Energy
- Reduction and Disposal of Waste
- Marketing Environmentally Balanced Products
- Risk Reduction to our Employees and our Community
The Managing Director has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the necessary means exist within the company to implement and monitor the effectiveness of this policy. However, all employees have a responsibility to themselves, their colleagues, the company and to the community to care for the environment and to cooperate to achieve the high standards required by this policy.

This policy is communicated to all employees and other interested parties and is publicly available on request.
To assist in the implementation and maintenance of the Environmental Management System the Company operates a 4R's principles
  • Reduce waste where possible by thinking about what we buy and how we use it

  • Re-Use wherever possible by trying to find a second life for items especially paper, packaging and stationary

  • Recycle all possible items including paper, card, glass, metal, cartridges

  • Rethink how we use resources to make sure we are being efficient and effective.


2. Monitoring and Improvement

The Environmental Policy is reviewed annually at Management Review or if changes in procedure, legislation or identification of required changes through the audit process deem it necessary.

In recognition of our Policy Statement we are committed to operating an Environmental system that complies fully with legislation.

  Review Date: 1st March 2023